Sunday, August 17, 2014

Settling In

The crazy of moving has died down for the most part. We bought a new car: a white 2012 Chevrolet Malibu. It took more time than we anticipated because we had to wait for this or wait for that to happen. But we feel so lucky and love having this car.

Brett loves his job. He gets to work in his own office, but he also has been working in the labs (they actually call it the Hood). He jokes when he comes home, "I was working in 'the hood' today."
He's working on coming up with a solution for how the cathode of a battery (the positive end) will connect to the anode (the negative end) of the sodium sulfide battery his team is trying to perfect. It's giving him lots of on-the-job experience; stuff he never learned at college.

Brett was called to build up the Scouting program and serve as the Young Men First Counselor in our ward. He's been going through hours of online training to be able to be a Scout leader. He's super excited to be in the Boy Scouts again. He received his Eagle Scout award as a youth, but I think he's going to have so much more fun working with these young boys.

I have just been called to be the ward choir accompanist and also to be the Primary secretary. I'm excited to be in Primary again. I also get to work on some cooking projects that I wouldn't otherwise have time for. I made sun dried tomatoes for a couple of projects I wanted to try. We had Sun dried Tomato and Mushroom Fettuccine in a Garlic and Basil Cream Sauce for our anniversary dinner. Sublime!

Our anniversary was simple and sweet. Brett had to work a long day, so we just had dinner. After a walk outside (it was like 60 degrees!) we sat on our couch and drank cranberry pomegranate juice out of wine glasses and ate German chocolates. Over the weekend we saw a movie together called The Hundred Foot Journey and really enjoyed it. We highly recommend it! (an outstanding PG movie, though, it is not an exciting movie for children)

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